After a less than perfect academic start at NCSU in Chemical Engineering with a concentration in Pulp and Paper, I thought it best (and my advisor did too)to try and research other avenues that interested me. I took a test to help me pick a career and they all came back that I should unequivocally become a Nursing Home Administrator. I scoffed that off and walked down to Kilgore Hall...the home of the Horticulture Dept. at NCSU.
That walked changed my life.
This business is a success, not because
of me, but the people that work here.
I believe that wholeheartedly. I take
care of them and they take care of our
greatest asset...our customers.
Our business focus may change over
the years, but one thing remains the
same, our core values. Hard work,
honest dealings, and a genuine love of
our craft. We make mistakes, we will
mess up, but we will make
it right.
Our philosophy is simple.
We treat you like we want
to be treated. Simple Enough.